What's up people? We want to introduce you to our new drummer Dan Shurak!
We are happy to have this puppy in our family.
His influences come from Beatdown, Deathcore among others, but he is also a fan of bands like Slipknot or Korn.
He has a very own sound that we can't wait to show you 🤘
We start a new era together, with a lot of work to do and a lot of Anime to watch... You're screwed in our band if you don't watch anime 🤣🤣🤣
Come to meet him!
Next dates:
Sep 21 - Totana Metal Fest - Totana, Spain
Sep 28 - Paberse Club - Valencia, Spain
Dec - UK Tour - TBA
Dec 8 - Facebarmageddon - Reading, England
Dec 28 - Assembleia do Metal - Viseu, Portugal
Amazing pic by Sergio Mangas - Photographer & Retoucher
Art direcction Barbara Navarro Soler