🇬🇧THANK YOU VERY MUCH UK🇬🇧 God damn! What an amazing tour! We only have words of thanks to all the fans and metalheads who came to our concerts, broke their necks and bought our merch! Finally we meet people who have been following us since we started the band! That was amazing, thanks for your love and support!🤘 Thanks to the amazing bands that shared the stage with us, we wish them the best of luck! Thanks to all the promoters who loved our show and want to see us there next year! We'll be in touch! And, of course, we want to thank Jose from The JMG Agency for his work and kindness. Special thanks to those angels on earth: Jenny and Darren. We love you! You are the best! We had a lot of fun together and we feel more united and stronger than before! 💪 We'll be back again! Nex stop: Assembleia do Metal 2019, Portugal Photo by Mark Steptoe Dawz SynlakrosS is Patricia + Pablo + Iván + Aarón + Dan